School Uniform
It is compulsory for all students to wear the school uniform.
Grey shorts
Red Polo Shirt with logo (short sleeve)
Summer dress
Blue jumper with logo
Grey socks or tights
Black school shoes
Grey tunic
Grey Trousers
Red Polo Shirt with logo(long sleeve)
Blue Jumper with logo
Grey Socks or tights
Black School Shoes
Grey tunic
Red/Blue Microfibre Jacket with logo
Blue Microfibre track pants
Black Mesh Shorts
House Colour Polo Shirt with logo
White Socks
Sports shoes
Sun Hat
- The sports uniform is to be worn on sports days.
- Sun hats are compulsory school uniform during Term 1 and Term 4. The blue wide brim hats are available from the school office.Foundation students are to wear the blue legionnaire style hat also available from the school office.
- All items of uniform should be clearly marked with the student’s name.
- St Michael’s School Bags are compulsory and are available from the school office.
- Children’s hair should be natural in colour, extremes of fashion are not acceptable. The school reserves the right to determine what constitutes extremes of colour/fashion.
- For health and hygiene reasons and to assist in the prevention head lice spreading, hair is to be tied back, plaited or braided. Only school colour red or blue ties/scrunchies are to be used.
- All cases of Head Lice are to be reported to the school.
- We ask parents to be vigilant and to check your child’s hair on a regular basis.
- Nail polish is not to be worn at school. Jewellery is to be limited to a watch. In the interests of safety, studs or simple/basic gold sleepers are the only earrings to be worn.
- Second-hand uniforms are often available through the Parents & Friends Group. Please enquire at the school office.
- Lowes Morwell, MidValley Shopping Centre (Ph: 5134 3011) stock a full range of St Michael’s school uniforms. School uniforms can be purchased online: