Latest News
October 29 Newsletter
October 22 Newsletter
October 15 Newsletter
October 8 Newsletter
Pie Drive - Pick Up Today
If you made a Pie Drive Order, please collect them today from the Hall between 3:00 and 3:45pm. Please enter via Hall doors.
As we do not have refrigerated storage space, please organise someone else to collect your order if you are unable to do so yourself.
Thank you for your continued support!
St Michael’s Parents & Friends Association
September 10 Newsletter
September 3 Newsletter
School Open
St Michael's will be open today, Monday 2nd September, however we understand if you decide to keep your children home given the weather conditions overnight and this morning.
If you do decide to keep your child/children home please ensure that you complete a Parent Notified Absence in PAM choosing weather as the reason why.
Thank you, take care and stay safe.