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Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers,
Our school basketball teams had their District competition on Friday with both the boys and girls teams performing very well and advancing to the Division finals on August 30th. Well done to the players and coaches!
We also received lovely feedback about their sportsmanship and the support shown to each other, opposition teams and their coaches. To hear that both teams were great ambassadors for our school and modelled our school wide expectation of respect is just as important as the outcome of the day. Well done!
Early Collection of students
We understand that there are times when children need to leave school to attend appointments or finish their day a little earlier than others, however we ask that you please be mindful of timing, particularly when the children are outside playing. It is extremely difficult for the children to hear announcements as it is often hard to locate children once they are outside playing. We ask that if you are picking your child up near break times, that you do so before or after break times, where possible. This then allows for the classroom teacher to assist the children to be ready for collection.
To assist you with this the school break times are:
- Break One - 10:40am - 11:20am
- Break Two - 1:00pm - 1:40pm
We also have children being collected during our school assembly on Friday afternoons. Whilst we understand that this may be due to families going away on holidays, it can be very disruptive and lots of children are missing out on hearing about important school events, being presented with their award or having their birthday acknowledged. We ask that if you do wish to collect your child/ren early on a Friday, that you do so after 2:15pm. This will allow them time to pack their belongings with the assistance of their teacher. Thank you for your assistance with this.
As you are all aware the traffic around the school during drop off and pick ups is usually heavy. To ensure we are considerate to each other and the other users of the roads please make sure you adhere to the below items:
Follow signs, road rules and parking signs. They are there to keep our children safe. All the roads in the Traralgon CBD are 40 km h
Be extra careful and patient around schools.
Slow down and be alert! Children can be unpredictable. Remain careful, especially at the busy morning and afternoon school times.
Latrobe City’s School Crossing Supervisors are trained to help children to cross the road safely.
Use the school crossing. It is the safest place for children to cross the road.
Keep the school crossing clear. Do not stop your car on the crossing. It is dangerous and illegal to block the crossing.
Also a reminder that disabled car parking spaces are only to be used by people who hold a sticker authorising them to use this type of car parking. These spaces are allocated by Latrobe City to ensure easy access to crossing points and nearby amenities.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop is Australia's only canonized saint.
Part of Mary's legacy, and that of her Sisters, can be found throughout the Diocese of Sale in their dedicated pastoral work in parishes, and in the many schools they established which are now in the care of the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd.
Mary's motto for life was: "Never see a need without doing something about it."
May we take heed of her words and follow the example of her life.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us.
- Friday 18th August - Relax and Read Pyjama day
- Thursday 31st August - Yr 4 Camp to Coonawarra
- Thursday 7th September - Italian Week Dress up day and parade
- Friday 8th September - School closure day
- Monday 11th September - Fairytale day (Foundation only)
- Monday 11th September - Year 3 Camp to Allambee
- Thursday 14th September - Footy Colours day
- End of term -Thursday 14th September at 3:20 pm.
Kind regards,
from the Parents and Friends Group
- Friday 25th August - Father's Day Stall
- Thursday 14th September - Footy Day Hot Dog Day
Please note if you wish to communicate with the P&F they have a new email address
The Second Hand uniform shop
The shop will be open every 4th Thursday of the month. The next day it will be open will be on Thursday 24th August from 3:00pm to 3:30pm. The stall is located in the large meeting room at the school, so those wishing to purchase items will need to enter through the main office. Donations and swaps welcome.
Each week students from each class are awarded Student of the Week certificates. These children are nominated for the example they have been within the school based on the School Wide Expectation focus for that week. The weekly focus will be from Wednesday until Tuesday the following week. Awards will be presented to students at assembly on Friday.
In Week 5 the School Wide Expectation focus is Learning :
I set high expectations of what I can achieve.
I work hard and always try my best.
I reflect on my own learning and how I can improve.
I can receive and act on feedback.
The award winners for Week 5 are:
Robert Johnson | Penny-Rose Ross | Anna Witte |
Sam Nguyen | Axel Foster | Kaiden Warne |
Nayumi Chessum | Angus Ross | Olivia Uren |
Theo Moretti | Penn Mason | Jack Krieger |
Indiana Devitt | Olivia Francolino | Chloe Quail |
Nash Winkler | Miles Blackford | Jakob Engley |
Eden Zammit | Blake Langley | Eliza Herbert |
On Sunday we celebrated the Transfiguration of the Lord. In the gospel, Jesus takes his most trusted disciples up a high mountain to allow them to share in what he knows is about to occur. It is a very clear teaching moment in which Jesus hopes the disciples are going to finally grasp the truth about him. As the disciples stand by, Jesus is transformed before them – suddenly bathed in light and his clothes become dazzlingly white. The disciples also see Moses and Elijah standing and talking with Jesus. Moses was the great Law-giver of Jewish tradition and Elijah the great prophet.
Jesus then leads them back down the mountain – back to the reality of life; back into the tragedy that he knows lies before them. No matter how powerful a religious experience may be, Jesus shows us that we always have to return to real life. Sometimes we experience powerful moments of connection with God or with other people. Sometimes this might be through a special experience of nature; a meaningful retreat experience; a powerful sense of being ‘in tune’ with another person; a reflective prayer experience; or some other significant experience. The temptation when we have these experiences is to wish that we could remain in the experience. The challenge, however, is to take that experience back into the everyday of our lives – changed by it without remaining in it.
St. Michael’s Primary School has a long tradition of supporting our local St. Vincent de Paul Society. Each year we support two collections for St Vinnies: mid year, for the collection of cans for the winter and December, for the Christmas Appeal.
We are excited that this year we will be able to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption with a whole school mass on Tuesday 15th August at 11:30am. Our school community is invited to come along and share the Eucharist with us.
Each child is asked to bring items of non-perishable food to school by Monday 14th August. Any support you can offer at this time would be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please speak with your classroom teacher.
Thank you for supporting this worthwhile cause.
Sue Rickwood
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge
Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
The Challenge is open to all Victorian children from birth to Year 10 in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition; but a personal challenge for children to read a set number of books by 8 September 2023. 32 days left to complete the challenge!
Children from Prep to Year 2 are encouraged to read or ‘experience’ 30 books with their parents and teachers. Children from Year 3 to Year 10 are challenged to read 15 books.
All children who meet the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier and former Premiers.
To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the booklist and for more information about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, visit:
Deborah Gilmour in the school library is able to help with any enquires.